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Come Worship and
Serve with Us

What is Service Like?

Starting Sundays at 10:00am, our worship includes rich and diverse music, from hymns to modern praise.


We are a liturgical congregation meaning we will read set prayers, recite Christian creeds and confessions that articulate our faith, confess our sins, sing songs, and read scripture.

We will stand and sit, though you are free to remain seated.

What should I wear?

Whatever is respectful and allows you to honor God. Some wear suits or dresses while others wear jeans and t-shirts. The most important thing is to prepare yourself to encounter God and to be ready to listen to Him.

What is there for kids?

During the service there is children's church for birth through 5th grade. We have wonderful leaders who are excited to have fun with your kids while showing them Truth found in scripture. Head to the education hall and we will help you sign into the system and register your child.

Core Values

Who we will always be along the way

Compelling Truth

Living out Scripture-based truth, as embodied by Christ, and characterized by grace that we can’t help but share.​

Holy Worship of a Holy God

Worshipping both individually and collectively with and through the power of the Holy Spirit.​

Unity of the Body

Maintaining unity by encouraging one another; building each other up; handling conflict in healthy, God-honoring ways.​

Radically Hospitable, Generous & Others-focused

Going above and beyond in using the abundant gifts God has given us and helping all ages and stages of people find and embrace their true home.

Ceaseless Prayer

Aligning our hearts with God's heart, joining Him in His mission throughout our community and the world.

Humble Growth

Recognizing we are not finished products and embracing God’s continual work in us as He grows our faith, our soul and our capacity to reflect His lavish love.

Where we are going

Vision Statement 

Covenant Presbyterian Church aims to be a true home to all.

A: we are not the only true home out there. There are many great churches in this city.

True: We don't aim to be merely a place of comfort but one that is designed off of God's Kingdom with His values and His priorities.

Home: Home is the place we all belong. The place we were meant to be and where we are free to fully live out God's unique calling on our lives.

How we will get there

Mission Statement

We will become A True Home by Experiencing Up, Encouraging In, and Connecting In.


Experiencing a growing and meaningful relationship up with the One above through Worship and Prayer which will grow our desire to be...

Encouraging the faith of disciples inside the church by means of Discipleship and Fellowship and in turn...

Connecting disciples to those outside the church by practicing Evangelism and Missions.

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